St. Augustine Nights of Lights | #PBAP2015

 What is #PBAP2015? Find out in our post from earlier this year HERE

"Breastfeeding came very naturally to me. My baby needs to eat and it's my job to nourish her. It takes dedication and patience in the beginning but it's entirely worth it. There's no prouder feeling than nursing a happy baby. And there's something very powerful about yourself being everything your baby needs - food, warmth, comfort, and love" -Dana, mom of 1


 "Breastfeeding for me was the most emotionally and physically difficult lifestyle change but I was so determined to make it work for me and my daughter and it finally has! Being able to share the experience today with everyone was a really wonderful personal celebration in how my daughter and I can learn together and how far I've come as a new mom" -Kristen, mom of 1



Thankful this holiday season for an awesome group of women coming together to support one another and empower women everywhere. We're so fortunate to live in such an awesome and festive town! 

See you in the new year!