Public Breastfeeding Awareness Project 2015 - part two | St. Augustine Family Photographer

This year was just too much fun! So many amazing stories. So many inspirational moms! Check out these moms from Palm Coast in Part Two of #PBAP2015 (If you missed part one you can find it HERE). 

"I still find myself uneasy in a crowded place when my daughter becomes hungry, not because i believe I'm doing anything wrong but because it's still not socially accepted as "ok" to do and that saddens me. I can't feed her naturally out in public and it's 2015!? No mother should ever feel bad about that amazing bond they share with their child an believe it or not work really hard to experience an maintain, breastfeeding is hard work! This is my last baby and I'm overjoyed that I have gotten to experience the beautiful relationship that comes along with breastfeeding and I can't wait for the day there is no longer a "breastfeeding movement or awareness" but just a normal everyday thing you see in society"
"I luckily have not had any issues feeling uncomfortable breastfeeding in public other than the occasional stare or nasty look from a stranger. However it breaks my heart to know that other women struggle and I want to do everything I can to help others to be comfortable and normalize breastfeeding. As a woman it is one of the most powerful feelings I've ever had to provide for my babies and every woman should be encouraged to do her best for her little ones as well!"
"Breastfeeding didn't come easy to us. Audrey had a shallow latch and to say I was in pain was an understatement. I reached out on Facebook for help from other mamas, and sure enough, I received! A nipple shield saved our breastfeeding relationship. I have been able to supply all the nutrients my daughter needs in the best way possible. We're 6 months strong, with no end in sight. I will protect my daughter's right to feed anytime and place for as long as she needs."
"Whilst in a country covered in billboards and advertisements with half naked women, I never had a second thought to nourishing my child in public. Babies want warmth, nourishment, and comfort. Breastfeeding provides all three. It's nit just about the milk though, it's about love. I feel empowered to be able to provide everything for my child no matter where I am. I love to be encouraging, and inspire other women to do the same."
"Prior to being pregnant, I had never really put much thought into how I would feed my baby once it was here. Luckily, a friend with 2 children, one bottle fed and one breastfed, turned me onto the idea of breastfeeding. I spent lots of time my first pregnancy reading up on pregnancy, childbirth, child development, and the benefits of breastfeeding, and even took a few classes (of course no amount of research can prepare you for the real thing ).
I'll never forget that magic moment at the hospital the first time I fed my baby. Add that to the adrenaline rush of an unmedicated birth, and the endorphins never seem to end. I have never experienced anything more amazing and empowering than becoming a mother.
That is why, a few days later, I was shocked. It was one of those "moments" that you can't prepare for, and no one truly describes it accurately. The first time was when my milk came in, and quite frankly, I thought my breasts would explode. (It's like an instantaneous boob job, and if you've ever watched one of those plastic surgery shows, you can see how real the pain least they're drugged up, lol!)
Thankfully, because of all the preparation I had done, I had help within reach. I had info from the lactation nurse at the hospital, that had reassured me before I left that my latch was perfect and I was doing a great job. I had the number to a breastfeeding peer counsellor and support group info, and remember thinking beforehand that I'd probably never attend anyway. Ha!
One crisis averted, but then there was still PAIN. I was so frustrated with myself, because no one ever mentioned any of this. Nothing but sheer DETERMINATION got me through, and I spent many days in my peer counsellor's office seeking advice for my sensitive nipples, and fibrocystic breasts, and pain with let down, and pumping, and mastitis--like I seriously had the full gambit of issues, and I am forever thankful that I was surrounded by SUPPORT, because THAT made all the difference in the world.
Since then, I was able to turn several friends onto breastfeeding, and gladly, they had no or few issues. The reason I want to be so open, or to share so much, is because not every woman has an easy peasy experience, but it doesn't mean you can't make it through. It saddens me to see so many moms quit prematurely, because they struggled and didn't have support. I could run down the list of "why you should breastfeed" but those facts are too easy to Google. The part Google won't tell you, is that about 4-6 weeks in, those struggles subside and there IS NOTHING easier in this world! You never have to warm up a bottle in the middle of the night or spend extra money on formula, and your body always makes sure the nutritional content is just right for your growing baby!
Moreover, you can provide everything your baby needs, like warmth, nourishment, and comfort, at a moment's notice, anywhere.
Too often, I hear of moms being offended by projects like this, because they somehow feel it is a slight to their own motherhood if they chose differently. That's the basis of the ‪#‎mommywars‬ the media likes to incite; any time a choice can be made there HAS to be some great debate about it. If YOU as a parent made whatever choice you felt was best for YOU and YOUR child, then stand confidently in your decision! Moms should spend more time uplifting one another, parenting is tough enough as it is!
Too often, I hear of friends who nurse that were told "That's gross!" Or "Cover Up!" and though I can't change the EDUCATION level (on BFing, not degrees 😉) or MATURITY level of someone who would have the gall to say such a thing, I can say, "MOM, stand confidently in your decision, and do what is best for you and your baby!"
If people saw more of it, it would be less of a thing to notice, so I support ‪#‎PBAP2015‬. "