Values | Project 365 {Days 45-50}

This blog is a part of my project 365 series. Documenting life and sharing too much, every day, for 365 days. To see more CLICK HERE

"If you don't value yourself no one will" 

I'm pretty sure any and every entrepreneur has heard this several times - it's certainly a tired phrase in the photography world. 

So this year I am focusing more on value. What do I value - in my work and more importantly in my life? Why am I in this field? What do I hope to accomplish?

When we place our value in our wallets we're setting ourselves up for failure no matter how fiscally successful we may be. When we think we need more - we need bigger - we need better, faster, easier EVERYTHING - we're setting ourselves up for disappointment. What we actually NEED to get by and to LIVE is quite minimal. 

Many photographers are angry. They are upset because our work isn't valued. Talent not appreciated.

But I'd argue that as photographers our work, our art, is more valuable now then ever. When in the history of time did our images have the potential to be so visible? The internet has made access to our images abundant. Our work can be powerful. Inspiring. Humbling. Motivating. Depressing. EDUCATIONAL. The list goes on. 

Running this business has snowballed into something bigger than I had initially anticipated. It's been fun and fascinating (and often times overwhelming) to learn the ropes of this world (and admittedly I haven't even scratched the surface).

So here's to another year - to focusing on what's really important - in all aspects of life. 

Day 45 : December 29

Day 46 : December 30

Day 47 : December 31

Day 48 : January 01, 2016

Day 49 : January 02, 2016

January 03, 2015 : Day 50