St. Augustine Nights of Lights | #PBAP2015

 What is #PBAP2015? Find out in our post from earlier this year HERE

"Breastfeeding came very naturally to me. My baby needs to eat and it's my job to nourish her. It takes dedication and patience in the beginning but it's entirely worth it. There's no prouder feeling than nursing a happy baby. And there's something very powerful about yourself being everything your baby needs - food, warmth, comfort, and love" -Dana, mom of 1


 "Breastfeeding for me was the most emotionally and physically difficult lifestyle change but I was so determined to make it work for me and my daughter and it finally has! Being able to share the experience today with everyone was a really wonderful personal celebration in how my daughter and I can learn together and how far I've come as a new mom" -Kristen, mom of 1



Thankful this holiday season for an awesome group of women coming together to support one another and empower women everywhere. We're so fortunate to live in such an awesome and festive town! 

See you in the new year! 

Postpartum Anxiety | Project 365 {Days 26-34}

This blog is a part of my project 365 series. Documenting life and sharing too much, every day, for 365 days. 

I started getting panic attacks in high school.

Sometimes I won't have any for months. Some weeks I spend more nights curled up in the bathtub then I spend in my actual bed. Some days I can stop them in their tracks - some days they stop me in mine.

I never had postpartum anxiety with my oldest two kids. If anything my anxiety went into 'remission' while pregnant & when they were first born. So it took me by surprise this time around.

Since I've been having panic attacks for years I didn't really think much of PPD until I was in it - I just ignorantly assumed it was one in the same with regular anxiety. Holy fuck was I wrong. For me the panic attacks postpartum were much deeper - darker - scarier. There were many days I didn't make it out of bed. Several times I made my husband miss work because I was so paralyzed by fear that I didn't trust myself to exist - let alone to parent.

I tried medication. I tried therapy.  I had my placenta encapsulated. I was miserable.

 Thankfully my husband is well versed in my breed of crazy and I have an amazing neighbor who I was able to bear my soul to regularly. I cannot stress enough how important "letting it out" is. The more I tried to 'hide' it - the further I spiraled, so I stopped hiding it, and in typical Megan fashion, made everyone around me a little uncomfortable with my bluntness. Being able to talk through it with them helped a lot. In contrast to the usual "stay away from Dr. Google" - looking up postpartum anxiety and reading about common experiences & stories from other moms really helped. It wasn't "normal" but it was painfully common, and thankfully temporary. 

Six months in and I feel back to my version of normal. I'm hesitant, perhaps superstitious, to say that I'm out of the woods - but I can say things have gotten much better.

It's always comical to me when people compliment me on how well I handle having three kids or life in general. Life is beautiful but don't be fooled for a moment that just because I (or anyone else) post sweet pictures and experience moments of great joy that I don't struggle with my own demons. We all do. C'est la vie.

Day 26 : December 10

Day 27 : December 11


Day 28 : December 12

Day 29 : December 13

Day 30 : December 14

Day 31: December 15


Day 32 : December 16


Day 33 : December 17

Day 34 : December 18